Audit and assurance
Painstaking, not painful
For many of the businesses we work with, audit is much more than a legal requirement. So much so that some volunteer themselves for audit. But why?
Led by experienced partners, our audit and assurance services offer robust insights that form the bedrock of sustainable growth and continuous improvement. This is the status quo, challenged – then moved to the next level.
Build capability, remove barriers
Skilled, highly capable people make all the difference – in your business and in ours. No business stands still. So, when there are changes to legislation, technical requirements or financial reporting rules, we make sure your team has everything it needs to comply – and thrive.
We make the entire process clear, straightforward and predictable. Working with us is efficient and rewarding – we may even challenge your perceptions of what’s possible. Together, we’ll set bold new goals now for a brighter tomorrow.

How Baker Tilly took the burden out of change for a client with complex financial and accounting needs.
Professionalism made personable
We start with open communication channels and keep them open through the entire engagement. Because if you can uncover weak spots as readily as you can pinpoint strengths, you have the information you need to build skill sets, enhance quality frameworks and improve processes.
While working with you, we retain professional scepticism – as all the best independent advisers should. We keep a respectable, professional distance, while staying firmly rooted in supporting you to make the best decisions for your business.

ESG regulatory reporting
The journey from compliance to ambition to constant evolution. Discover how ESG can set you apart and keep you ahead.